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Propose a GPF 2021 Preparatory event

Expected outreach
Type of event
Are all the proponents and partners progressive and democratic organisations committed to the values of the UN Declaration of Human Rights?


By proposing a GPF2021 preparatory event, the proponents commit to:

- organise a free, public, democratic, inclusive event, also with regard to gender balance;

- respect the dignity and opinions of all GPF2021 participants and organisers;

- respect the applicable laws also with regard to the measures in force for the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic;

- contribute in a positive way to the promotion of the GPF2021 on their social networks;

- take part to the GPF2021 conclusive event (in Brussels or online);

- refrain from any act or statement which could be counterproductive to the GPF2021 organisation and success.

If your proposed preparatory event is accepted by the GPF2021 Organising Committee, it will be published in the official calendar of preparatory events towards the GPF2021 with a web link to the event. The name of your organisation will be listed among the “GPF2021 participants”. The decision to accept or reject a proposal for a preparatory event is taken exclusively by the GPF2021 Organising Committee and cannot be appealed. The GPF2021 participant status and consent to organise a GPF2021 preparatory event can be withdrawn at any time by the GPF2021 Organising Committee and its decision cannot be appealed. Under no circumstance, the GPF2021 Organising Committee can be considered liable for any cost incurred directly or indirectly because of its decisions.  

Where applicable, the contents and conclusion of each single preparatory events will be published on the GPF2021 website as the political contribution of the proponents only to the global debate, without automatically engaging the other participants and organisations. 

The roadmap towards the GPF 2021 is an open, decentralised and participatory process based on trust which does not legally and financially engage the GPF2021 organisers. 

The GPF2021 Organising committee and Secretariat cannot grant any financial support or compensation for the preparatory events. 

Under no circumstance, the organisers of a GPF2021 preparatory events can be considered linked or associated to the GPF2021 main organisation, unless otherwise specified or formally authorised by the Organising Committee. Under no circumstance, the Organising Committee can considered responsible or liable for any statement, decision, violation, abuse or damage occurred during the preparatory events. 

The GPF2021 reserve the rights to take legal actions against anyone providing false information or not respecting the above requirements, commitments and conditions. 

agreement rules

I authorise the GPF2021 organisers to process my personal data for the purpose of the GPF2021 organisation, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. I am aware that I can at any time withdraw my consent by writing an email to

authorise rules